Media Release: Tailored support for people with Down Syndrome to enter the workforce

A re-elected Morrison Government will provide $360,000 to Down Syndrome Australia to help break down barriers to employment and support individuals to find and keep a job.

Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said the origination would receive the funding to implement an employer connection program.

“This will will serve the dual purpose of upskilling employers about the best approach to support people with Down syndrome as well as assist people with Down syndrome to connect with workforce opportunities in their local community,” Minister Ruston said.

“With only around one-third of people with Down syndrome currently in the workforce we know this has the potential to help more and more individuals enter the employment market.

“The Morrison Government is absolutely committed to breaking down barriers to help people with down syndrome participate in community activities, get a job and lead healthy and happy lives.

Down Syndrome Australia is the peak body for people with Down syndrome and the Employment Connections Program will further strengthen economic inclusion opportunities.

Only the Morrison Government will continue to deliver a better future for Australians, and this is part of our plan to build a strong economy and a stronger future.

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