Media Release: National Redress Scheme continues to add more institutions

More than 550 sites have joined the National Redress Scheme driving down the number of applications on hold to the lowest level since the Scheme was established.

Following the latest declaration, the number of applications still on hold because those institutions named have not taken the necessary steps to join the Scheme has reduced to 12 per cent of applications received by the Scheme.

The declaration includes six new non-government institutions joining the Scheme including the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart as well as sites falling under the Anglican Church of Australia, Baptist Churches of Western Australia, and the Baptist Church of Victoria.

“The Morrison Government expects all institutions where child sexual abuse has occurred to sign up to the Scheme as soon as possible,” Minister Ruston said.

“Although survivors can make applications for redress at any time, applications cannot be processed until the relevant institution has completed the necessary steps to join the Scheme.”

“This announcement means that additional applications can now be progressed.”

To date, the Commonwealth, all state and territory governments and 67 non-government organisations covering more than 41,900 sites, such as churches, schools, homes, charities and community groups, across Australia are participating.

The non-government institutions that joined the Scheme are:

  • Berry Street Victoria Inc (Vic)
  • Confraternity of Christ the Priest (NSW, Qld and Vic)
  • Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God (NSW, Qld and Vic)
  • Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (NT, ACT, NSW, Qld, Vic and WA)
  • SCEGGS Darlinghurst Limited (NSW)
  • Sisters of the Good Samaritan (ACT, NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Vic and WA)

The additions to the Anglican Church of Australia participating group that joined the Scheme are:

  • Anglican Property Trust Diocese of Bathurst (NSW)
  • Anglicare WA Inc (WA)

The additions to the Baptist Churches of Western Australia (WA) participating group that joined the Scheme are:

  • Bethel Christian School Albany
  • Emmanuel Christian Community School Incorporated
  • Goldfields Baptist College Incorporated
  • Kojonup Baptist Church
  • The Lake Joondalup Baptist College Incorporated

The addition to the Baptist Church of Victoria (Vic) participating group that joined the Scheme is North Balwyn Baptist Church.

The Queensland Government has agreed to be a Funder of Last Resort for:

  • Beemar Yumba Maud Phillips Memorial Children’s Shelter (Qld)
  • Beulah Homes (Qld)
  • OPAL House (Qld)
  • OPAL Joyce Wilding Home (Qld)

More information, including a searchable list of local sites that have joined the Scheme and support services to help people apply for redress, is available at:

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