A re-elected Morrison Government will invest $360,000 to extend a successful education program to Western Sydney to support children and young people in out of home care.
Liberal candidate for Parramatta Maria Kovacic said the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare would receive the funding to partner with universities and TAFEs in Western Sydney.
“The Raising Expectations program will help local care leavers to have the skills and confidence they need to achieve further education or work opportunities after high school,” Ms Kovacic said.
“Without targeted supports, there is a significant risk that young people with care experience can fall behind compared to their peers, leaving them less likely to gain employment or to be connected socially and culturally to our communities.
“The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare will receive this funding to improve the capability of local higher education and vocational training to deliver appropriate and better targeted supports.”
Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said the Morrison Government was committed to breaking down barriers for Australians to become self-reliant, participate in community activities, get a job and lead healthy and happy lives.
“We know there can be difficulties such as unstable home lives and relationship breakdowns in the care system,” Minister Ruston said.
“This will strengthen the capacity of the Western Sydney education and workplace providers to ensure everybody has equal access and support to be able to the employment market.”
Raising Expectations has been made a significant difference to care leaver uptake of post-secondary study in Victoria where it grew from 45 students in 2016 to more than 700 students in 2021.
Only the Morrison Government will continue to deliver a better future for Australians, and this is part of our plan to build a strong economy and a stronger future.