Media Release: Design submissions open soon for the National Memorial for Victims and Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Australian design professionals are being asked to submit designs for the National Memorial for Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse.

The Morrison Government committed $6.7 million to establish the National Memorial in Canberra to provide a dedicated and enduring place to reflect, pay tribute and remind future generations to be ever vigilant in protecting our children.

Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said the memorial would play an important role in acknowledging the impact of institutional child sexual abuse as a significant part of Australia's history.

"Consultation told us the memorial should be a place of remembrance and a place that honours victims and survivors," Minister Ruston said.

"Without the strength of victims and survivors Australia may have never been able to come to terms with the awful truth about the abuse perpetrated in institutions entrusted to care for young Australians.

"Their voices have created changes in all levels of society to ensure that children are protected from abuse in all institutions now and forever and this memorial will serve as a permanent tribute to them."

Submissions will be open from 12 April 2021 to all Australian design professionals to lead collaborative teams which may include architects, landscape architects, artists, sculptors, engineers, quantity surveyors and other interested parties including those with lived experience of institutional child sexual abuse.

Construction of the National Memorial is projected to commence later this year, following the selection of a suitable design through this design competition. The Memorial is expected to be completed in 2022.

The design process is being managed by the National Capital Authority (NCA).

Chaired by The Hon Peter McClellan AM QC, the jury will include a landscape architect, architect, artistic advisor, representative from the NCA and representatives from the National Memorial Advisory Group which includes people with lived experience.

Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories Nola Marino said the NCA was working with the Department of Social Services to develop the Memorial.

"I welcome the partnership with Minister Ruston to establish this nationally significant memorial in the heart of the nation's capital," Assistant Minister Marino said.

"A national call for submissions has been deemed the most appropriate way to select a suitable design for the Memorial and we encourage those with the skills and expertise to apply."

For further design information and guidelines go to Submissions close Friday 21 May 2021.

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