Media Release: Australia’s forestry industry breaks new records

Australia's renewable forestry sector has reached new highs, with a record log harvest up 10 per cent in 2016–17 to over 33 million cubic metres and record wood product exports, up 11 per cent.

Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Anne Ruston, welcomed the latest ABARES forestry statistics, with the annual sales and service income of forest product manufacturing industries worth $23.7 billion in 2015–16.

"More and more, we are seeing our forest products industries boosting the well-being of our regional towns and communities," Minister Ruston said.

"These statistics reflect confidence in the industry and confidence from our key export markets."

Minister Ruston said this year saw a record hardwood and softwood commercial plantation harvest of 28.8 million cubic metres.

"Australia and the world for that matter, want top-quality, renewable timber and wood products and that's what our forest industries are supplying," Minister Ruston said.

"Australia's total renewable wood and timber product exports have passed $3.5 billion for the first time, up 11 per cent.

"Government and industry are working hand-in-glove to ensure a successful and viable future for the forestry industry, regional communities and the more than 70,000 jobs that rely on it."

For a copy of the ABARES report Australian forest and wood products statistics: September and December quarters 2017 visit

Fast facts:

  • The direct value of the forestry industry to Australia's GDP was $8.6 billion in 2015–16.
  • The Turnbull Government is providing $20 million to support the implementation of the National Forestry Industry Plan and drive growth in the renewable timber and wood fibre industries.​
tags:  news feature